Founder's Mindset – Founder's Clubhouse

Bad Mindset


Bad Business Decisions.

Time to get out of your own way, oh and also ...actually enjoy the journey and your success.

I focused on the tactical, and neglected the mindset, and I paid the price.

If you are a bad version of yourself, under a mountain of stress, anxiety and burnout.

You're also making sub optimal decisions that impact the performance of your business.

After working with Lee Smith; Master practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and Psycho-Sensory techniques, I healed damaged parts of myself I didn't know existed.

It cleared my head.

It gave me the clarity to take risks and make decisions that ultimately led me to build a business that achieved over £1.5m in under two years in revenue.

Introducing Lee...

In the below videos, Lee walks you through various techniques that reduce and relieve anxiety, feelings of overwhelm, and, reset your adrenal system. We use these videos on a regular basis throughout the week - and we can honestly say, these techniques truly work.

Don't just take our word for it.

Founders, these exercises are an amazing way to manage your stress and anxiety on a daily basis.

Really easy to do, and generally take 1-3 minutes.

These are proven techniques used within several medical practices to not only reduce anxiety and overwhelm but also to heal chronic pain, migraines and more.

Several master practitioners globally charge several hundred £'s for these techniques.

A Vagus Nerve Reset

Feeling overwhelmed? Adrenaline and stress too high? Heart beating fast? Struggling to focus?

On the verge of panic? Physical symptoms too severe to ignore?

This 6-step tapping tool is my personal favourite (Jayden) to use to bring myself down when i'm feeling really anxious with heart palpitations. It takes between 5-7 minutes and can be done wherever you are!

Take 3 minutes to activate your parasympathetic nervous system

This is all about accessing your "rest and relax" state.

Bilateral Stimulation - Regulating the left and right brain

When there is conflict, your right brain which is your emotional brain, will always win over your left brain - your logical side. To reverse this override we can remove this conflict - watch the video and try it yourself!